Sample Image

Silent Hill 2


A free and easy-to-use trainer for Silent Hill 2, featuring a Simple GUI, a full configuration system, and customizable hotkeys for various cheats.


Simple GUI: The tool features a user-friendly, intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.

Full Config System: A full configuration system that lets you save and load your settings in 10 available slots, so you can run the tool, load your settings, and enjoy.

Hotkeys: Hotkeys system for everything, allowing you to enable/disable any feature in the tool using your keyboard. Plus, the keybindings are fully customizable.

Aimbot - Distance Filter
Aimbot - Ignore Dead
Aimbot - Aim Bone
Aimbot - Aim Key
Aimbot - Aim Circle , Color ,Thickness , Size

ESP - Skeleton - Color , Thickness
ESP - Box - Color , Thickness
ESP - Numbers
ESP - Names
ESP - Short Names
ESP - Text Color
ESP - Items
ESP - Include The Player
ESP - More Details
ESP - Show Distance
ESP - Distance Filter
ESP - Lines (Top, Down , Player) - Color , Thickness
ESP - Ignore Dead
ESP - Show Health (Text , Bar , Both)

Unlimited Ammo: Never run out of ammunition.

Unlimited Health: Stay alive no matter what.

Set Health Items: Customize the amount of Health Drinks and Syringes.

No Spread: Eliminate bullet spread for pinpoint accuracy.

Long Range: Extend the effective range of your weapons.

No Recoil: Remove weapon recoil for better control.

High Damage: Increase weapon damage output.

Aim FOV: Adjust the field of view for aiming assistance.

FOV Adjustment: Customize the game's field of view.

Remove Fog: Eliminate fog for better visibility.

Fog Color: Customize the color of the fog.

Fog - Rainbow: Cycle through multiple fog colors dynamically.

Sunny Light: Adjust lighting for a brighter environment.

Flashlight Brightness: Modify flashlight intensity.

Flashlight Color: Change the flashlight's color.

Flashlight - Rainbow: Cycle through multiple flashlight colors dynamically.

Reset Flashlight: Restore flashlight brightness and color to default settings.

Player Color: Change the player model's color.

Player - Rainbow: Cycle through multiple player colors dynamically.

Crosshair: Enable a custom crosshair for better aiming.

Crosshair Color: Change the color of the crosshair.

Crosshair Size: Adjust the size of the crosshair.

Menu Color: Customize the color of the menu to match your style.



Download the latest version from the Releases page.

Auto Run/Inject:
To automatically load the tool when the game launches, place the file "dxgi.dll" in the following path :
Game Directory\SHProto\Binaries\Win64(Here next to SHProto-Win64-Shipping.exe File)

Manual Run/Inject:
OR, you can manually inject/load the tool to the game by Inject the file "SH2 Tool.dll" to the game process using any injector like Cheat Engine, Process Hacker, etc...

Optional Settings:
If you want to use my settings, copy the folder "GeNeTeL Tool" into the following path:
Game Directory\SHProto\Binaries\Win64(Here next to SHProto-Win64-Shipping.exe File)


The tool is completely safe and does not contain any viruses or anything like that. Although some antivirus programs might give false positives,
this occurs because the tool modifies memory values for the game process (to apply the cheats), which may trigger certain antivirus algorithms. So I assure you that these warnings are false alarms and do not indicate any actual threat to your system.

This tool is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Use it responsibly and at your own risk.


Make sure the 'Screen Mode' option in the game settings is set to 'Borderless' or 'Windowed'
Do not use 'Fullscreen'.

Black Screen Issue (Windows 11):

Anyone using the trainer on Windows 11 may encounter a black screen issue. Here's how you can fix it:

How to Fix the Black Screen Issue

Go to the the following path : Game Directory\SHProto\Binaries\Win64\

find "SHProto-Win64-Shipping.exe".

Right-click on it and select Properties.

In the Properties window, go to the Compatibility tab.

Check the option "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations".

Click Apply, then OK.

Now, open Steam and locate Silent Hill 2 in your library. Right-click on the game, select Properties,

then navigate to the General tab. find the Launch Options section and enter:


After that, restart the game and try using the trainer—the issue should now be resolved.

If you're experiencing issues when injecting the trainer, make sure you have the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed on your device. You can download it for free from the official Microsoft website using the following link:

The tool is not 100% perfect, and there might be some occasional bugs.


This Tool / Trainer was Created and Developed by GeNeTeL جنتل